Sunday, April 1, 2012


There are thousands of boards of directors all over the country doing amazing work as they guide their organizations both non-profit and for profit. One I know well is the Martin Luther King School Dream Foundation which my husband and I founded in 1999. It oversees the disbursement of post secondary scholarships to underserved students in the Seattle area, and has given out over one hundred to date. The board is made up of colleagues and friends who are committed to the good work of the foundation and meet when necessary to take care of foundation business.

In addition, my husband has been very involved with Edmonds Community College, both as a trustee locally and nationally, and also as a foundation board member. Out of his many years of board experience he has written a book entitled Walking the Board Walk which spells out secrets of an enjoyable nonprofit board experience.

Lately I have been hearing about another board of directors for a company called SPIC, (Sandy Point Improvement Company) a "for profit" board serving a recreational community called Sandy Point, north of Bellingham where we own a vacation home. I am concerned that this board needs some training on how to operate effectively for its members.

Right now this unique waterfront community near the Canadian border, seems to be victim to escalating levels of petty crime, drug problems and a disregard of property rights by a few unsavory individuals. It is clear that concern about these developments is growing along with dissatisfaction with the SPIC Board’s response. Some residents feel their complaints fall on deaf ears. Citizen groups including block watchers have been formed and police have been called regularly reporting suspicious activity. Some residents have even experienced intimidation by individuals who carry on their bullying behavior with apparent immunity.

While I know there are a few residents trying to solve the problems, I do NOT see SPIC and others showing leadership in terms of protecting this community and its homeowners, or giving support where needed. Maintaining the community should be at the front of their duties as elected board members. They should be supporting those who are trying to solve problems with the clout of their office and take a "united we stand" approach, by sticking up for beleaguered homeowners and targeting those who seek to destroy the safety and harmonious way of life for this beautiful area.

To those of you on the board, I say this: I think it is important for all of us, as Sandy Pointers, to realize that our ENTIRE community is at risk. Whether one lives on the lake, the bay, the beach, the heights or Neptune Beach, our property values suffer if people believe crime is on the rise and no one is doing what is needed to stop it. Word does get around. Why buy here if there are safer communities with as much to offer elsewhere. Shorthanded police officers are not the answer. Community muscle can be. You are our muscle, and need to step up to the plate of your elected responsibility.

If you need help in being more effective, I know a very good, nationally recognized author and facilitator, with a vacation home at Sandy Point, who can help you become a board to be proud of. Feel free to contact

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