Sunday, July 4, 2010


I am well aware of the toil and blood and treasure it will cost us to maintain this declaration, and support and defend these states. Yet through all the gloom I see the rays of ravishing light and glory. I can see that the end is worth all the means. This is our day of deliverance. John Adams (1735–1826)

Happy birthday USA, the fourth of July is your day.
With pageants, picnics and marching bands, and fireworks on display.
You were born out of anger, neglect and despair
By folks who worked hard but felt life was unfair.

They were ruled by a king from a faraway kingdom,
Unaware that his subjects wanted their freedom
From rules, laws and strictures, and hated taxation,
With no say in what happened, no representation.

Tea started the movement that swept the young country
As patriots in disguise dumped the tea in the sea
And as fury built up, more and more joined the fight,
This rag tag small army convinced they were right.

Paul Revere and some others rode out one dark night
To warn that the “Redcoats” were coming to fight.
When the first shot was fired, they stood up to the test
Proved that passion and courage could conquer the best.

The next step was deciding to take a firm stand,
To divorce from the British, to take over this land.
So they met in July filled with hope and conviction,
To declare independence from Britain’s restriction

There followed a war, filled with bloodshed and death.
Lasting years, they kept fighting, some with their last breath.
George Washington, their leader, kept urging them on
‘til victory was theirs in a place called Yorktown.

Our allies, the French, deserved thanks for assisting,
Their friendship and help much needed for winning
So when we celebrate the fourth in all of its glory
Let's remember all those who wrote freedom’s story.
by Jan Lind-Sherman



Read The Declaration of Independence and other supporting information by clicking

on the site below:

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